Your eyes

miercuri, 23 noiembrie 2011

Confession 1. I am trying to be a better person

Everytime i get angry or i have something that annoyed me, i get relaxed in many ways, but one of them is by starting to clean and rearange my belongings whether if i am at home or at the office. It's a thing that most of my close friends and family have noticed and that's the way they know when i have something on my brain that needs to be solved:)). Related to this, i have to confess that my second passion after fashion is interiour arrangement that responds to our daily needs because not all of us have enough room to display. I have found for us girls, some cute tips for organising things that we care about in case sometimes we get angry and we have to rearange the world around us:)). The last pictures are a tip from me for organising your jewels. The pictures are taken in my closet where i have glued some breathers to arrange my jewels and to be able to see them in the morning when i compose my outfits:D.

De fiecare data cand am o suparare sau ceva ce ma enerveaza, unul dintre modurile in care ma relaxez este sa ma pun pe facut curat si rearanjat lucruri fie ca sunt la birou sau acasa. E o chestie pe care majoritatea apropiatilor mei au observat-o si asa isi cam dau seama cand am vreun pitic pe creier ce trebuie eliberat:)). Legat de asta trebuie sa marturisesc ca a doua mea pasiune dupa moda este amenajarea interioara capabila sa raspunda la nevoile noastre de zi cu zi si la faptul ca nu toti avem spatii generoase in care sa ne desfasuram. Asa ca, am gasit cateva chestii dragute pentru noi fetele:d, in care sa ne tinem ordonate lucrurile in caz ca la nervi simtim nevoia sa o luam de la capat cu aranjatul:)). In ultimele poze veti vedea un sfat din partea mea, legat de aranjarea bijuteriilor. Pozele sunt facute la mine in dulap, unde am lipit cateva ventuze ca sa imi organizez bijuteriile si sa le pot vedea cum trebuie atunci cand imi construiesc tinutele.

P.S: I'm having again problems with my pictures. I think the resolution is the problem.Soo sorrry :(. From now on, i'm gonna take the pictures on a lower one:D.


3 comentarii:

keschen spunea...

I try to match my shoes with my dresses when I get sad. LOL. I love how you arranged your jewelerries. I am a fashion blogger as well and would really appreciate it if you could check out my blog and follow me there. I will definitely follow you back :)

You can also find me at twitter(@RaindropsofRed) and facebook(Raindrops of Red)


danielle spunea...

i'm glad i'm not the only one who compulsively cleans and organizes when i'm upset :) much more productive than crying over a tub of icecream :)

Pinkat spunea...

@indie::))indeed. and much more healty:P

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