Your eyes

marți, 8 noiembrie 2011

Sufletul nu se masoara in centimetri

Discutam zilele trecute cu un prieten despre eternele noastre probleme, ale oamenilor: fericirea, dragostea si implinirea alaturi de persoana aleasa de sufletul nostru, din motive numai de el stiute. Da, stim. Baietii or sa spuna ca nu a oamenilor, ci a femeilor. Sunt prea lasi sa admita ca si a lor, nu-i asa fetelor?:))). Aflat intr-o perioada mai putin linistita a vietii, dupa o suferinta cauzata de despartirea de persoana iubita, ma intreba dezamagit si trist, de ce oamenii pun etichete unei persoane, fara sa o cunoasca. Si de ce tot noi, oamenii, avem tendinta de a asculta mereu pe altii in detrimentul a ceea ce simtim. Eu as spune, de ce noi romanii, insa asta e o alta discutie. Imi spunea cu durere in suflet ca parintii fetei pe care o iubea, ii gasisera un motiv pentru care ei nu ar trebui sa fie impreuna. Era prea mic de inaltime (asta daca o inaltime de 1,70m poate fi considerata mica). Si asta, in conditiile in care, pe langa toata daruirea sufleteasca, tot el asigura si partea financiara pentru excursii, vacante tot confortul de care fiica lor avea nevoie. Era genul ala de baiat, despre care vorbeam intr-un alt post, care iti aduce la pat micul dejun si iti unge felia de paine prajita cu dulceata preferata. Discutia a decurs cam asa:

M: (11/7/2011 12:39:29 PM): daca ai avea un baiat de 18 ani 
M (11/7/2011 12:39:32 PM): de 1,70 
M (11/7/2011 12:39:58 PM): si caruia i s-ar spune cert ca NU MAI CRESTE - asta e statura lui cu care va defila toata viata 
M (11/7/2011 12:40:04 PM): tu ce i ai spune ?
M (11/7/2011 12:41:30 PM): vazand ca orice incercare a lui de a stabili o relatie cu o fata 
M (11/7/2011 12:41:47 PM): se loveste de un refuz radical si categoric 
M(11/7/2011 12:41:56 PM): "nu imi place de tine ca barbat" 
M (11/7/2011 12:42:02 PM): tu ce i-ai spune ? 
A (11/7/2011 12:41:15 PM): i-as spune ca ce are el de impartit lumii nu e statura sa, ci interiorul, sufletul si mintea. Nimeni nu ii va putea spune ca nu mai creste acolo si cu atat mai mult nimeni nu ii va pune bariere sau limite atunci cand vine vorba de asta. I-as spune ca grija de "a fi" este mai importanta decat cea de "a avea",  ca cei invatati sa catalogheze pe altii dupa aspectul fizic, sunt invatati de fapt sa ramana singuri, pentru ca niciodata nu va exista cineva care sa-i multumeasca pe deplin. I-as spune sa isi pazeasca mai degraba inima, gandurile si convingerile de toti si toate, decat aspectul fizic de judecata rautacioasa a altora. I-as spune ca "a fi barbat" nu se traduce in statura, in puterea pumnului, in duritatea vocii sau a privirii.. I-as spune ca a fi barbat inseamna a fi acolo atunci cand tu ca femeie, plangi fara sa versi macar o lacrima. Un barbat va sti sa te tina de mana. Atunci cand  ti-ai ratacit  inocenta in tumultoasele experiente ale vietii, el va sti cu siguranta sa o regaseasca; cand ai o zi proasta pentru ca visul tau de-o viata s-a sfaramat in mii de bucati, el va sti cum sa le lipeasca la loc; cand ti-ai pierdut/uitat lucruri si persoane dragi intr-un colt intunecat al lumii asteia mari, el va sti sa ti le aduca inapoi; cand nu stii daca o decizie ar trebui sa o iei cu sufletul sau cu mintea, el va sti cu siguranta, ca una fara alta nu se poate si ca asta inseamna echilibru. Va sti sa iti spuna ca e ok sa iti fie frica. I-as spune ca adevarata fericire nu apare decat intr-un suflet si o minte clara, dincolo de prejudecati si catalogari despre bine si rau, despre frumos si urat, dincolo de timp, vreme si oameni.

P.S: Stim, nu am uitat. Este ziua voastra, a celor ce purtati numele sfintilor Arhangheli Mihail si Gavril. Mihail semnifica "Cine este ca Dumnezeu", iar Gavril "Dumnezeu a fost puternic". Asta va dorim si voua: sa purtati cu mandrie si multumire sufleteasca acest nume, si sa imprumutati zi de zi, in tot ceea ce faceti, din semnificatia sa sfanta. Si sa nu uitati ca oriunde ati fi, sufletul oamenilor pe care ii intalniti, nu se masoara in centimetri. La multi ani!

A! Si maine veti vedea ce am purtat la petrecerea de ziua numelui a colegei noastre, Mihaela. From Pinkat, of course ;)).

I was chating just the other days with a friend of mine, about our ageless problems: love, happiness and achievement with a person chosen by our soul, for reasons only he knows. Yeah, we know. Men will say that this is a problem that only us girls we have it. They are to chicken to admit that they have it to, isn't it, my dear ones?:)). He was in a very bad mood, caused by the separation from his girlfriend. He asked me with a sad and disappointed voice, why people have the tendency to judge others and also to tag them, even they don’t know who you are as a person. And why people have the tendency to listen to what others say, instead of listening to their feelings. I would say, why us Romanians, but that’s another discussion. He told me that his ex-girlfriend’s parents found a reason for not accepting their relationship. He was to short ( that if we can say that at 1,70m you can be considered short). It didn’t matter that he was ensuring also the financial part of their life together and all the confort their daughter needed. He was that kind of a guy I was talking about in another post: the guy that would bring you breakfast in bed and coat your toasted bread with your favourite jam. Our chat was like this:

M: (11/7/2011 12:39:29 PM): if someday, you will have a sun, for about 18 years old
M (11/7/2011 12:39:32 PM): and he will be about 1,70m tall
M (11/7/2011 12:39:58 PM): and if someone will say to him : “you will never grow taller than this and that’s the height you will have to bear for the rest of your life”
M (11/7/2011 12:40:04 PM): what will you say to him?
M (11/7/2011 12:41:30 PM): when you will see that with every attempt to have a relationship with a woman
M (11/7/2011 12:41:47 PM): he always gets rejected with a simple phrase like
M(11/7/2011 12:41:56 PM): "I don’t like you as a man" 
M (11/7/2011 12:42:02 PM):what will you say to him? 

A (11/7/2011 12:41:15 PM): I would say to him that what he has to share with the world it’s not his height, but his soul, mind and interior. Nobody will be able to tell him that there he cannot grow and also that he has limits or borders when it commes to that. I would say to him that the care for “being” is much more important than the care for “having”, that the people who are trained to tag others by the way they look, are actually trained to remain alone, because they will never find someone to absolute gratify them. I would say to him to rather keep his heart, thoughts and belief, from others, instead of his material aspects from any selfish consideration. I would say to him that being a man, isn’t equal with a big height, a strong fist or a rigid voice or look. I would say to him that being a man means for you to be there when a woman cries, even if she dosen’t do it with tears. Or when she lost her innocence through life’s hard experiences. A man will know for sure how to retrieve it back to her. When she has a bad day because her dream for a lifetime has crushed into million little pieces. A man will know fur sure how to bond them back. When she has lost or forgot things and people she loves, in a very dark corner of this big wide world. A man will know how to bring them back. When she dosen’t know whether to decide something with her mind or with her soul. A man will know that one without the other, it cannot be. And that what balance is. And a man will know how tell her it’s allright to be afraid. I would say to him that real happiness appears only in a strong, bright mind, without preconception and cataloging about good or bad, beautiful or ugly, beyond time, date or people.

P.S: We know. We couldn’t forget. It’s your nameday. The ones you have the name of Saints Michael and Gabriel, that we celebrate today. Michael means “Who resembles with God” and Gabriel means “God was powerful”. This is what we also wish for you: wear your name with pride and complacency! May you borrow in every single day of your life, in everything you do, from its holy significance. And don’t forget: wherever you are and whoever you will meet, their soul isn’t measured in centimeters. Happy name day!

A! And tomorrow…we will show you an outfit, for this special day. We will wear it also at a party, given in honor of our Mihaela. From Pinkat, of course;)).

Kisses from 
Us..the pinks!

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