Your eyes

luni, 14 noiembrie 2011

Looking back

Weekend-ul ce a trecut mi-a adus 10 zambete. Vineri mi l-a adus pe primul. Era dimineata. Ma anunta ca urmeaza trei zile de rasfat pentru ca urma sa plec la munte, in locul cel mai drag sufletului meu. E locul unde mereu spun ca e "acasa" de oriunde as fi. "Asta sigur e zambetul apartenentei", mi-am zis. O sa va arat cateva poze in postarea de maine, alaturi de cateva chestii legate de ce cred eu ca ar trebui sa ai in bagaj atunci cand pleci la munte. Al doilea mi l-a adus motanasul meu, care oricat de dimineata ar fi si oricat de somnoros, nu uita niciodata sa isi "toarca"  afectiunea fata de stapani.Constant, la aceeasi ora in fiecare zi. Mereu imi spun ca daca ar toarce for real, pana acum sigur nu mi-as mai fi facut griji legat de ce sa imbrac in zilele geroase de iarna:)). Asta e sigur "zambetul recunostintei". Unul pufos chiar. Al treilea, mi l-au adus cei cativa fulgi de nea, care au aparut timid, pe la amiaza tocmai cand ne pregateam sa plecam. "E cel al sarbatorilor de iarna", mi-am zis. Al patrulea, l-am primit cateva ore mai tarziu. Mi-am revazut bunicii si locul in care am crescut. Nu cred ca exista legatura mai mare si mai gingasa pe lumea asta, ca cea dintre bunici si nepoti. L-am simtit. Era "zambetul de dor". Al cincilea a venit in momentul in care mi-am revazut prietenii de la fostul job. Nu ii mai vazusem cam de jumate de an, iar intalnirea de la munte a fost speciala. Cred cu tarie ca prietenii adevarati sunt cei pe care chiar daca ii vezi rar, atunci cand ii reintilnesti, e ca si cum totul a stat in loc si de fapt ultima voastra intalnire a fost ieri. E zambetul "neintinat de timp". Sambata, am primit zambeul sapte, cand am urcat pe Rarau. Am uitat sa va spun mai sus, ca am fost in Bucovina, la Campulung Moldovenesc. A inceput sa apara cand am revazut drumul pe care cu un an in urma, ramasesem impotmoliti. Acum lucrarile erau terminate si chiar va sfatuiesc sa mergeti si voi. Nu o sa va para rau. A continuat sa se arate pe masura ce urcam catre munte. S-a facut comod in casele, curtile si gradinile oamenilor, in care fiecare fir de iarba e la locul lui. Asa e in Bucovina. Timpul sta pe loc, iar oamenii nu se trezesc dimineata pentru a astepta ca altii sa le rezolve problemele. Se trezesc pentru a munci, pentru ca o fac cu drag si stiu ca asta e singurul mod  prin care maine vor avea ce pune pe masa. Dar asta e o alta discutie. Era oricum "zambetul trudei". Cel cu numarul opt, a aparut atunci cand am ajuns sus, aproape de Pietrele Doamnei. Zapada era din plin, iar ceata coborase atat de jos, incat ziceai ca ai ajuns in Rai, pe norisori :)). Linistea era tulburata doar de zgomotul zambetului "meu". Era cel al "regasirii de sine". Zambetul cu numarul noua, l-am gasit in mainile infrigurate ale oamenilor care locuiesc la 1471 m altitudine, sub varful Rarau. Chiar daca nu te cunosc, te vor intampina mereu cu o vorba buna, iti vor povesti problemele si experientele prin care trec, te vor pune la masa si te vor invata un singur lucru: "zambetul din suflet". Zambetul cu numarul 10 l-am intalnit insa duminica, la intoarcerea spre casa. In camp, la zero grade. O pisicuta gri cu alb, tarcata, de vreo 2 luni, statea inghetata de frig si spaima la vederea masinii in care eram, pe mijlocul drumului. Am trecut pe langa, insa mi-am dat seama ca zambetul asta nu trebuie sa il las sa inghete. M-am intors si am luat-o cu mine. Zambetul a luat forma celei mai pure si mai sincere manifestari de bucurie pe care am putut sa o vad vreodata. Avea labutele si urechile inghetate de frig si imi musca usor degetele, cat sa nu ma raneasca. Era felul ei de a spune ca ii este foame. Pret de 50 de km cat mai aveam pana acasa mi-a daruit intreg sufletul ei. Unii oameni nu pot face asta nici intr-o viata intreaga. Am ramas marcata de felul in care se multumea doar cu mangaiere.Uitase sa ceara ceva pe gratis. Era prea ocupata sa daruiasca. Mi-a reamintit insa ca unii oameni nu au nici macar un zambet. Sunt cei care au avut puterea sa o condamne la moarte.

Tu cate zambete aduni intr-o zi?


Last weekend brought me 10 smiles. Friday brought me the first one. It was early in the morning. I has announced me that I was about to spend 3 days of indulgence. I was about to leae in a short holiday, to a place I love the most.That’s the place I always call “home” from wherever I am. “This one has to be the smile of belonging”, I’ve said. I will show you some pictures tomorrow, also with some tips for things you should take in a mountain trip. The second smile was brought by my kitten. No matter how early it is and how sleepy he is, he never forgets to “purr” all of his affection for his masters. I always say to myself that if his purr is for real, until now my worries for what I could wear in winter, would be solved J). This one was the smile of gratitude. A fluffy oneJ)). The third one was brought to me by the first snow flakes that came on when we were just about to leave. This one is the “winter holy day” smile, I’ve said. The fourth one, I’ve received it a few hours later. I’ve seen my grandparents and the place where I’ve grown up. I don’t think that in this world, exists any biger and tender bond than the one between grandparents and grandchilps. I felt it. It was the “henkering after” smile. The fifth one came when I’ve seen my old friends from my ex-job. I have’t seen them in ages, so this meeting was a special one. I truly believe that true friends are the one that when you see them after a long period of time, it’s like you’ve seen them yesterday. Nothing has changed. It’s the “untouched by time” smile. On Saturday, I’ve received my seventh smile, when I’ve climbed on Rarau mountain. I forgot to tell you that I was in Bucovina, in Campulung Moldovenesc city. The smile began to appear when i was on the road. Last year, it didn’t looked that good as now. I was happy and I suggest you to try it this area also. You won’t regret it. My smile continued to appear as I was advancing towards Rarau. I’ve found it confortably seated in all of the houses, yards and gardens, where every grain of grass it’s in its right place. This is how things are in Bucovina.Time freezes and people don’t woke up in the morning just for waiting for other to solve their problems. They woke up for work, because they are doing it with care and because they know this is the only option for them to have something to eat on the next day. But this  is another discussion. Anyway, that was the smile of labour. The number eight smile was on the top of the Rarau mountain. The snow was everywhere, and the fog was that close that you could imagine yourself in heaven floating on cloudsJ). The silence was discomposed only by the sound of my smile.It was the “self recapture”smile. The number nine smile, I’ve found it in the frozen hands of people who live there, at 1471 m of altitude.Even if they don’t know who you are, they will always receive you with a good advice, they will tell you their stories and experiences, they will give a place to eat and sleep and they will learn you one thing: the smile from heart. The number ten smile, I’ve found it on Sunday, on my way back home. It was in the center of the road, at a temperature of 0 degrees celsius. A grey kitten, with stripes, about 2 months old. She was frozen and frightened. I’ve passed her by, but I’ve realized that I could’t desert this smile to frost. I came back and took her with me. “My” smile took the shape of the most pure and sincere act of joy, that I’ve ever seen. Her paws and ears were like ice and she was biting my fingers, but she wasn’t planning to harm me. She was just her way of saying she’s hungry. Until I’be arrived home, she gave me her soul. All of it. Some of us can’t do this not even in a lifetime. I was amazed by the way she was happy just with my caress. She forgot to ask something for free. She was anyway to busy to share me her love. In the same time, she reminded me that out there, some people have no smile. These are the ones that had the power to ban her to death.

How many smiles do you bring together in one day?


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